Friday, February 27th


What a week! Thanks for your patience and understanding as we all dealt with the winter weather. I know my family enjoyed playing in all the snow. I hope your’s did as well!!

A few things to note for next week:
– Chocolate bunny fundraiser money is due MONDAY! Please, if you have sold any, send it in on Monday. Remember, keep the actual colored order form. Just send back the paper filled out and the money envelope.
– Today a book order came home in your child’s folder. It is due Friday, March 6th. I have added the class code at the top of the order form if you choose to order online. If you want to send me your order, please make sure that you only send checks – no cash!
– We did not take a spelling test today due to the weather week we have had. We have already written the same spelling words on next week’s page. Please be sure to continue studying!

I hope you have a great weekend! Stay warm!

Thursday, February 5th

Today we are going to practice are champs assembly. Tomorrow is the real champs assembly, and Mrs. VanBrocklin is going to pick someone to pass out the awards. – Kyah


Reminder that tomorrow is our CHAMPs assembly at 8:00. Please make sure you child is here by 7:45 so we can make it to the stage on time. They are all doing a great job.

Also, please continue to send any box tops you might have! We will have math homework tonight – more subtraction with regrouping! We are all working hard to learn and understand this process.

Tuesday, February 3rd

Today we practiced our part on the stage. We learned about George Washington, and we have math homework. We all are waiting for Valentine’s Day, and we have a new student in our class! She is nice and fun and playful. -Kyah


Today I am sending home a revised copy of the Valentine letter. We did get a new student today, and I wanted to make sure to add her name to our list.

Also, we do have homework tonight. It is subtraction with regrouping. We have worked all last week and this week on the process of subtraction with regrouping. We first ask ourselves “Is there more on top or more on the floor?” If there’s more on the top, there’s no need to stop! If there’s  more on the floor, then we go next door and regroup 10 more! If your child has difficulty on these problems, please attempt them, and I will go over it with them tomorrow. Also, if they need to draw out the tens and ones to help them solve it, they may do so on the back!

I could definitely tell my kiddos that practiced their CHAMPs assembly part last night! Please make sure to do that again tonight. We practiced on the stage this morning, and it is all coming together! Thanks!

Monday, February 2nd

Today we did suffixes and prefixes and this Friday we are doing the CHAMPs assembly. Every one of us have a part in it. Today we have the same spelling words and tomorrow we get to practice on the stage. We are bringing home our part in our CHAMPs assembly. We are not having snowballs any more for our behavior chart. We are having love balls and we all love people. – Kyah


Kyah has some great information for you today! We are having the same spelling words from last week. There will be a spelling test on Friday.

Also, our CHAMPs assembly is Friday morning at 8:00. Please make sure that your child is here on time that morning. I sent home a note for every child with their part on it. Please practice it this week. Every child has a part, and every part is important!

I also sent home a letter about our Valentine’s party. It is next Friday, February 13th, from 12:00-1:00. Please see the note for instructions about the Valentine’s cards for the students.

If you have any questions about anything you can always email or call me! Thanks!

Tuesday, January 20th

Hi! Today we learned about fables and we practiced the sounds c makes. We have math homework and new spelling words. We have a new math student. We were good today. We wrote on our desk. Goodbye and Happy MLK. – Jessica


I hope you all had a great three day weekend with your family! There is subtraction math homework tonight. Please make sure your child is reading and getting their reading log signed every night.

Our new spelling words for the week are: another, came, come, work, three, what, there, then, many, time, first, little, new, around

Tuesday, January 6th

Today we played Guess My Rule. We finally got to play out side. We played math games too. We played Guess My Number too. – Sidney


So much that I haven’t truly stopped to say – first, thank you for a great Christmas party. I hated that I had to miss it, but I know all of my sweet kids were in great hands! I hope you all had a wonderful break. I enjoyed my family very much.

We have started right back into a routine and are ready to learn! Please continue to read every night. Tonight there is math graphing homework as well.

Please take time to ask your child about “Guess My Rule” that we played in math, and ask them to tell you the elements of a fairy tale!

New spelling words for the week: man, too, any, day, same, too, that, have, there, then, could, called, know, write

Thursday, December 4th

We   had    a   great   day   Monday,    Tuesday,     Wednesday,     and   today.

We     have    not    done   our   math stashins yet. – Keiton


I hope you all received the green “Penny Christmas” letter yesterday. If you have any questions about it, please let me know. Tonight will be more addition with regrouping homework practice. I am very proud of our class’ progress on this skill. They are working very hard!!

Monday, November 10th

Today we  played in math station. It was fun when we went to recess. But before we started math we read a book called Turkey Trouble and reminder that it is early release tomorrow at 11:00. – Callie


Please don’t forget that tomorrow is early release at 11:00! If your child’s transportation changes for tomorrow, please let me know in the planner, by email, or by voicemail. Also, if it deals with the bus, please make sure you discuss the changes with our transportation director – Scott Stagner.

Our spelling words for this week are: called, just, where, most, know, there, your, out, then, than, little, after