4th Day of School!

We  learned    new   math   games.  They   are  two digit big man and addition battle.  We   had   fun  at  recess. – Jenna


Another wonderful day in 2nd grade! We filled another bucket this morning and really want to be bucket fillers, not bucket dippers. We also discussed how we want to treat each other, how we should treat our teachers, and how I should treat my class.

Today, there are three notes coming home in the folder. The yellow note is our spelling review words and second grade words. The blue note is from the office. And the orange note is the most important note! You have homework! Please read over this note and complete your homework for me! I greatly appreciate it!

It’s almost Friday! Don’t forget about the pep rally and football game. Good luck Roughnecks and Ladynecks!!

3rd Day of School!


Another great day in 2nd grade!! Ask your child about “what stuck with them” today! We started our Number Talks today. We are all working on explaining our thinking while answering math problems. We, also, had the opportunity to fill someone’s bucket today.

There are 4 different notes from the office in your child’s folder today. Please look over each of those. Also, if your child will be attending the pep rally on Friday, you must send a note to me. Pep rally reminders is one of the notes coming home.

How are we already half way through with the first week!?! 🙂

2nd Day of School


We had another great day today! We started our Problem Solving journal and began working on math problems. We are going to learn multiple strategies and each will get the opportunity to share their thinking throughout the week.

We started building back our stamina to read to self quietly around the room. I can already tell I have a group that loves to read! That makes my heart smile!

Ask your child about being a bucket filler or a bucket dipper! We are all working to be bucket fillers!

See you in the morning! 🙂

First Day of School!

Wow! What a great first day of school! Today flew by! We were so busy practicing our CHAMPs and learning about each other. We had a great discussion about teamwork and why it is so important. Ask your child about the book Apple Trouble and see how those characters used teamwork!

A few things to know and do:

The back parking lot behind the middle school gym WILL be available to drive through until 7:55 each morning. We are hoping this will relieve some of the traffic we had this morning.

Tonight please look inside your child’s planner. We began filling out the information on the second page of the planner. If your child did not complete that, please sit down with them tonight and fill in the phone number and address sections.

Tomorrow is going to be another wonderful day! I hope you all get some good rest tonight. See you in the morning! 🙂

2014-2015 School Year

Hello! Can you believe it is already August? I hope that you have had a wonderful summer! I have enjoyed spending time with my daughter and sleeping in as often as I could. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year. I will see you very soon!


Meet the Teacher – Thursday, August 21st, from 4:00-5:00
First Day of School – Monday, August 25th


Monday, May 12th

Today we took class pictures. We learned a new game to help us with multiplication situations. We also learned a new type of poem. – Seth


Today we took class pictures. If you did not send money for the picture today, you can send it no later than Friday. It’s hard to believe the end of school is quickly approaching. We are still working very hard every day and preparing to be fantastic third graders!!

Thursday, May 8th


Tomorrow we are eating lunch early to accommodate for Grandparent’s Day performance and lunch. We will be eating outside on the playground, weather permitting. If not, we will be eating inside our classrooms. We are asking that you please send a towel with your child tomorrow for them to eat lunch on. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 7th

We learned if we are having trouble subtracting with regrouping with zeros how to think about it like the book The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. I need some sugar but he did not have any so I had to go to the neighbor next to him. He did not have any and the third neighbor did so he gave me some and I gave it to the neighbors. Then I borrowed from them! – Aniyah

Parents, reminder – please do not eat lunch with your child for the rest of the week. We are eating lunch early on Friday to accommodate for the grandparents coming to watch Grandparent’s Day!