I hope you and your family had a wonderful three day weekend! Today was a good day back filled with CHAMPs and learning fun!
Thank you all for responding in your child’s green Friday Writing folder. I love the communication between you and your child. I hope you enjoyed it as well.
Tonight is our first night of reading logs and reading homework. Each child needs to read for 20-30 minutes. For the next few days I will be sending books home for your child to read. After we get in the habit of taking books home, your child will have the opportunity to pick out their own book to bring home. You might notice that the book sent home tonight could be too hard, too easy, or just right for your child. Please be patient with me as I am reading with each child to see exactly what level books need to come home. Also, I told your child that it is THEIR responsibility to write their books on the reading log. Your responsibility to initial the reading log. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask!
Have a great Tuesday afternoon/evening!