Friday, October 3rd

Its Friday – weekend is here! And there is only 2 days until next week so don’t think there’s more than 2. If you only see Fridays you should see all week because some times people don’t write on fridays because they are at pep rallies -Scott


Your child was able to bring home a book of their choice from their book box. In their folder you should see a note to wear a blue shirt on Monday for Bullying Prevention Day.

As always, make sure you read this weekend. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 1st

Its October the first and I just got my teeth cleaned yesterday and I have to go to get this pit out October 16th. And I had fun yesterday playing kickball with my friends like Sidney and Jordan and some other ones. -Scott


Reminder, there is no football game on Friday, so there will not be a pep rally! We have a spelling test on Friday. Please continue to count coins at home as we are still practicing daily at school.

Have a great Wednesday!

Monday, September 29th


A lot of things came home in your child’s folder today! Please make sure to look at everything. The picture order form was in there. If you plan order pictures, please make sure you send the form back tomorrow. Every child will have their picture taken no matter if you are ordering them or not. Also, a fluency practice page came home. Please practice this page a few nights a week. We are working on fluency in the classroom, and this is a great way to reinforce it at home. I will send home one each week for you to practice.

Please make sure to read every night and sign the reading log. Also, be looking for math homework to come home on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

Can you believe it is almost October?? 🙂 Have a great evening!

Thursday, September 25th


Tonight your child has math homework. It is over counting mixed coins. Please have your child do the homework tonight, and feel free to go over it with them. Thank you for your help!

Tomorrow is our second spelling test of the year. Please make sure to study one last night before the test.

If your child is going to the pep rally tomorrow, make sure to send a note.

Have a wonderful evening!

Thursday, September 18th


Tomorrow is our first spelling test of the year! Please make sure to study tonight! Today the students got to pick out their own book from the book box to take home to read tonight. We talked about our “I PICK” song, and I reminded everyone to make sure you choose a book that is just right for them.

Tomorrow if your child is going to the pep rally, please make sure to send a note!

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, September 10th

We had a terrific day! We played math games like Two Digit Big Man, Speed, and Addition Battle. We learned two new songs today and they are both about money. They are cool. I did good in math today and at recess I had fun! – Travis


Thank you to those who were at parent orientation last night. If you were unable to attend, your child has a little gift for you in their backpack!

Please keep reading every night. We are doing a great job of that as a class. Also, we started working with coins today. Any chance you get, discuss the coins and their attributes!


Tuesday, September 9th

Hi! We had another fabulous day but we kind of got out of control. But we fixed that!! We played the animal game in P.E. P.E. stands for physical education. At recess I played 4 square. – Travis


Can’t wait to see you tonight at Parent Orientation! It starts at 6:00 in the cafeteria. See you soon!


Monday, September 8th

Hi! We had a wonderful day. We went outside 5 minutes early and we did good in math. I played with my friend Kendall, but we did not play math games today. It was still a fun day! – Travis


Please don’t forget about Parent Orientation tomorrow night from 6:00-7:15. I hope to see you there.

Another good Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. Make sure to read every night!




Tuesday, September 2nd


I hope you and your family had a wonderful three day weekend! Today was a good day back filled with CHAMPs and learning fun!

Thank you all for responding in your child’s green Friday Writing folder. I love the communication between you and your child. I hope you enjoyed it as well.

Tonight is our first night of reading logs and reading homework. Each child needs to read for 20-30 minutes. For the next few days I will be sending books home for your child to read. After we get in the habit of taking books home, your child will have the opportunity to pick out their own book to bring home. You might notice that the book sent home tonight could be too hard, too easy, or just right for your child. Please be patient with me as I am reading with each child to see exactly what level books need to come home. Also, I told your child that it is THEIR responsibility to write their books on the reading log. Your responsibility to initial the reading log. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask!

Have a great Tuesday afternoon/evening!

5th Day of School!

The   first  week   of   school   was   GREAT!!!!!!!!!    We  learned   lots  of   new   learning  games. – Jenna


You will notice that you have more homework this weekend! 🙂 All the students brought home their green Friday Writing journal. They wrote to you about some things they did this first week of school. Your job is to respond to their letter! Please send this back on Tuesday. We will not do this every Friday but a few times a month. I will let you know when it is coming home.

Monday is a holiday! Good luck to the Roughnecks playing tonight! If you are going to the game, cheer for me!

Have a great long weekend!