Thursday, September 30th

This morning we had a fun surprise! The football players, volleyball players, band, cheerleaders, twirlers, and flags came to our gym and put on a pep rally for Kindergarten through 5th grade. It was so much fun! Don’t forget to eat at Chic-fil-A tonight and go to the Maroon Out party there, too!

Book orders came in today. Be looking for those in your child’s backpacks. We ordered enough books that EVERYONE got a free Black Lagoon book! Those kids who ordered the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book – that was a preorder. Your child received some stickers showing that they ordered it. It will come in November 9th.

Today we continued working on nouns and verbs and also writing stories in Writing. We worked on place value in math. We are working hard and learning a lot!

Thursday, September 23rd

We have had a great week with Mrs. Donnell teaching us our lessons! Our class has enjoyed her, and we are glad we have her for another two weeks.

Yesterday we took our first spelling test together so that we would know how to take them for the rest of the year. New words were sent home. Look for those and practice when you can.

We are working on Place Value in math – hundreds, tens, and ones. We continue to work on our addition and subtraction as well.

Our book orders are due tomorrow – checks only please!

Note to Parents

Parents –

In your child’s folder you will see many different things coming home. Today there is a note telling you about our upcoming Parent Orientation that will take place next Monday afternoon. Please read that to know the full details.

Also, there is a Scholastic book order in the folder. Those orders are due by this Friday, September 24th. Please, if you order, only send checks. I appreciate it!

Please make sure that you have your child read each night and sign their reading log. I check those every day to see if they have completed their homework. Also, math homework is coming home every night but Friday night and that needs to be completed as well.

Thank you so much for your help with all of this! I truly appreciate you and what you do for your child and our class!

Kym VanBrocklin

Thursday, September 16th

Today we started our math centers and our reading centers. Tomorrow we will try our reading centers all the way through. We know what to do – read to self, read to someone, word work, and listening to reading. It should be a lot of fun!

Mrs. Cranford sent us a great video on doubles! We love it! Thank you so much!

Music was fun today with Mrs. Kimbley. Thanks for teaching us a new game.

Remember, no pep rally tomorrow! And don’t forget your math homework!

Tuesday, September 14th

Yesterday was a very busy day! We did not get to blog so we are filling you in on what we did Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday was an outstanding Monday! We visited the library for the first time and checked out some great books. Thank you, Mrs. Elder, for letting us come see you!

We continued working on our subtraction. Make sure you are practicing your doubles every night. We used our doubles to help us subtract today. Hopefully tomorrow we will get to go to math centers.

We talked about what real readers vs. fake readers were. I think we all know what it looks like to read to ourself. We have been practicing that every day and have done a great job.

We also got our new spelling words today. They are: into, has, more, her, two, other, many, there, they, and to. We wrote them in our planner today so that we can practice when we get home.

Today we continued working on our subtraction, started writing a story about a time we had fun, and began our Weather journal for this week.

Math homework begins TODAY! Please see the note attached to the homework for details. Thank you for all of your comments! We have enjoyed reading them. P.E. tomorrow – wear the right shoes!!

Tuesday, September 7th

I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day holiday! I know I was glad to spend the day with Alea!

Today with took a math test over addition. On Thursday we will start our chapter over subtraction.

We continued with our Black Lagoon series reading The Music Teacher from the Black Lagoon. We also continued working on our stamina for ‘read to self’ and ‘read to someone.’
We went to PE today and we will go again tomorrow. Please wear the correct shoes!

Wednesday, September 1st

Today in math we learned to make 10 – helping us with our math facts. We also played ‘Sink the Boat’ (like hangman) practicing our math vocabulary words.

We practiced some of our no excuse words and then pur our first names in alphabetical order.

We read The School Secretary from the Black Lagoon and compared it to The Teacher from the Black Lagoon using a venn diagram.

Tomorrow is music class. Make sure you read tonight and get your reading log filled out!

Tuesday, August 31st

Today in Math we practiced our addition problems and used doubles and neighors to help out know our facts quickly. We know that 5+5 is a double. If we know that 5+5 =10, then we know our neighors – 5+6=11.

We practiced our ‘read to self’ time addding another minute to our total. We also started learning what it looks like and sounds like to ‘read to someone.’

We started reading The Black Lagoon series and talking about the story elements in the books.

Tomorrow is P.E. day – please wear the right shoes. Also, see the blue take home folder for an important note regaring our classroom!

Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Hello my new 2nd grade friends! I am extremely excited about the 2010-2011 school year. We are going to have a great time and learn as much as we can this year. Please check back to see what we are doing daily, any announcements, and special information that might be important for you to know. This is going to be a great year at White Oak Primary!

Tuesday, February 2nd

Today in math we worked on adding and subtracting money. We also made our funny Valentine date cards for Number Corner.

We just finished writing stories about a time that we were scared. Now we are completing our state research packet and report. Each student picked a state of their choice and researched them in from the Encyclopedia.

We went to Music instead of PE today because Mrs. Kimbley wanted to pass out parts and start practicing for our musical – Bugz.

Tomorrow we have PE and Character Ed with Mrs. Crossland. Don’t forget about our Valentine’s party next Friday.