Friday, September 16th

Parents, first I apologize that I have no updated our blog recently. I have had a sick child at home! Thankfully, she has bounced back quickly.

Today was a fun day! First we discussed our Constitution because today is Constitution Day. We learned that the Constitution was written in 1787 by “Framers.” A few of these framers are George Washington and Ben Franklin. We know that the Constitution was written to keep us safe and give us rights. The Constitution created our three parts of government: the President, the Congress, and the Courts. The Bill of Rights were the first amdenments to the Constitution.

We also took a noun hunt today around the school and playground. Then we discussed our findings. We also went outside this afternoon and talked about the weather and clouds. My kiddos found some very interesting “shapes” in the clouds.

I hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend. Go Roughnecks and Ladynecks!!

Tuesday, September 6th

I hope you all enjoyed a three day weekend and stayed safe during these dangerous fires.

Today we read A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle and discussed adding detail to our riding like Hermit Crab added detail to his new house. We continued working on our Wild Thing stories. I am excited to hear them at the end of the week.

Tonight your child has math homework. Please let your child work the paper, check it with them, and send it back tomorrow. Our first math test is tomorrow.

Tomorrow is P.E. again and our first day of Character Ed. We will be discussing kindness.

Second Day – Check!

Day two was another great day for Team VanBrocklin! I have a great group of kids this year and am excited about working with them, learning more about them, and getting them ready for their next phase of life.

Today we continued working hard and acting like champions. We are practicing ‘Read to Self’ and preparing for literacy stations. We also discussed what a sum and addends are – a sum is the answer to an addition problem, and the addends are the numbers you add together! We did a great job practicing on the white boards.

Tomorrow is PE day once again, so make sure to wear those tennis shoes!

Red Hot!

What a great first day of school! I must say that Mrs. VanBrocklin’s team is red hot!! Once we start, we can’t be stopped!! This is going to be a wonderful year. Today we learned about our teammates and started working hard on being CHAMPIONS!! Tomorrow will be filled with learning, fun, and PE! Be sure to wear tennis shoes!

Is it really almost August?

Well, August is growing closer, and it is time to start thinking about school once again!! I have greatly enjoyed my summer and am excited about spending the last month of vacation with Alea! 2nd grade at WOPS is on my mind, though, and I am anticipating a wonderful new school year!

For those of you intersted, Office Depot is having a great sale this week: crayons and notebook paper are $.25 a piece and folders are 10 for $1.00. You can also go to Walmart, and they will price match!

Parent Information


There will be a community wide budget information meeting Sunday, April 10th, from 3:00-4:00 in the elementary cafeteria.
Please plan to attend if you can.

Also, book orders are due this Friday, picture orders are due by next week, and please remind friends and family members who have our Flat Friends to send them back to us next week.

Thanks for all that you do!

Wow – January 6, 2011

Parents – can you believe another year has come and gone? Our class apologizes for not keeping up with our blog last year before Christmas. We got very busy, but that is no excuse for not letting you know about our days!
We will work harder this year to keep you up-to-date!

This week we have started learning about subtraction with regrouping. We have started repeating our sayings: “Is there more on the top or more on the floor? If there’s more on top, there’s no need to stop. If there’s more on the floor, go next door and borrow ten more. If the number’s the same, then zero’s the game!”

Also this week we have reviewed writing friendly letters. The parts of a letter are date, greeting, body, closing, and signature.

Report cards are in the take-home folders. Sign and return tomorrow! Also, make sure you complete the math homework and read for the reading log.

Thursday, October 7th

Parents – please look in your child’s take home folder for their report card as well as important information about upcoming events. Please sign the report card and return to school tomorrow.

This coming Monday, the 11th, is a student holiday. Please make sure to have arrangements for your child for that day. A week from today, the 14th, are school pictures. This picture will be for the yearbook.

Tuesday, October 26th, will be Parent Conference Day. School will dismiss at 11:00. I will send home a paper next week for you to sign up for your conference for that day.

Today is Mrs. Donnell’s last day with us. We really enjoyed her being in our classroom. We hope she enjoys 5th grade – but also comes to visit us again! Thanks for all you have done, Mrs. Donnell! 🙂

Monday, October 4th

Today we took a spelling test. Look for those to come home tomorrow as well as our new words. We saw a small experiment with vinegar and baking soda. We talked about how words mixed with thinking helps bring thoughts to the surface!

We started guided reading groups today. We read with Mrs. VanBrocklin while we are at literacy centers. In writing we read the book The Three Wishes. This week we are going to write our own stories about what three wishes we want granted.

Tomorrow is P.E. – wear the right shoes!