September 27th


Be on the look out for graded papers that came home today. This week we have been learning about weather. We charted weather facts about the sun, rain, wind, clouds, and snow. We also did a rain experiment and went outside one day and drew what we saw in the clouds.

We also have been discussing the fact that good readers visualize what they are reading. Yesterday I read the book A Picture for Harold’s Room to the students. While I was reading it to them, they had to draw a picture of what they heard me read. They had a good time with this activity! Look for that paper to be in your child’s folder today.

Tomorrow is Friday! Remember if you are picking your child up for the pep rally, make sure and send a note! 🙂

September 24th

Today we did an experiment about rain. Pictures to come. We went to computer lab. In writing we made a web about Halloween, and tomorrow we are going to start writing a Halloween story. We did our rotations in math and reading. We did our Target Reading and Calendar Folder. – Averi

Parents, don’t forget that Wednesday is picture day! Look for the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts notes that came home today. Those meetings are tomorrow night.

September 21st


What a great week we have had! Time seems to be flying, as usual, as we are about to start the 5th week of school. This week we have continued to practice our CHAMPS behavior everywhere we go. We took our first spelling test this morning, and I was proud of how well the students did. Be looking for new spelling words Monday. We have also been discussing nouns – common and proper – as well as plural nouns. We are doing some fun experiments in Science. Stay tuned for some fun pictures of those experiments.

Remember to sign your child’s planner and reading log every night. I hope you have a great weekend. See you Monday!

Wednesday, September 12

During P.E. we played volleyball. We had hamburgers at lunch. We worked on our reading rotations – read to self, read to someone, and iPods. Next week we will begin our word work. We continued reading Charlotte’s Web. – Caleb

We had a good day! Remember, Tuesdays and Wednesday are our P.E. days. Make sure to wear the correct shoes. We started our Character Ed with Mrs. Crossland today. We are discussing the word kindness!

August 30th – 4th Day of School

First we worked on our morning work when we got here this morning. Then we practiced our spelling words by using new chants that we learned. One example is we alligator chomped for each letter and word. We had recess on the playground and had chicken nuggets for lunch. Then we had our reading time. We went to music today. – Bailey C.

Parents, please look for a note in your folder. I have a little homework for you to do. I think you will enjoy it!! We are having a great week! Go Roughnecks!

Day 1 – A Success!

Wow, what a great first day of school! Mrs. VanBrocklin’s team worked very hard today and settled back into the routines of being in the classroom. During our reading time, I read the book First Day Jitters to the class, and we discussed the feelings the character had on her first day of school. Then we talked about and wrote down the different feelings we had this morning. Some of us felt nervous, excited, or sad, but by the end of the day I think we were ALL glad to be back at school together. I know that tomorrow is going to be just as fun. Thanks for your hard work team!

First Day of School

Parents and students – I hope you enjoyed your last weekend before school begins! I am so excited about this school year and the opportunity to be your teacher. Remember that school begins tomorrow morning promptly at 8:00. The doors open at 7:30. I will be waiting at my door to greet you! It is going to be a great year for Mrs. VanBrocklin’s team!

Thursday, January 5th


Report cards come home today. Please keep the report card, sign the back of the cover, and send the cover back to school. We will also have a spelling test tomorrow over the words in the planner! If you have a minute, ask your child how we practice our words each day. I think you will enjoy it!

We have started learning subtraction with regrouping. Be looking for homework to come home next week to practice.

Reflections and Resolutions


With my MacBook back in hand and a new year in the midst, I, as well as the class, have decided to become better bloggers in the year 2012! We will work hard to update you on our daily activities as well as give you important information as needed. I hope you enjoyed the Christmas break with your children. I know I enjoyed being with my sweet girl.

2011 was a great year for Mrs. VanBrocklin’s class. We have journeyed together, learned together, and have worked hard together. I know that 2012 won’t be any different.

As this year starts we are learning the parts of a letter and will begin writing letters to each other very soon. The five parts of a letter are: heading, greeting, body, closing, and the signature. We are also beginning double digit subtraction. We made some neat sunglasses yesterday displaying “shining” synonyms! We talk a lot about how synonyms are words that mean the same thing.