First Week of School!

Dear Parents,

We have had an outstanding first week of school together! We have learning and practiced many times on what it looks like and sounds like to be a second grader. Your child has worked very hard this week, and I am very proud of them. A few things we have learned this week are: a few of our literacy center rotations including library, technology, and pocket chart; Number Talks – working on our mental math and sharing our thinking; doubles and sum in addition; problem solving – learning to show our thinking on paper. This week we have also learned new songs and took “Brain Breaks” and danced many fun dances.

I hope you enjoy your long weekend together. Remember, no school on Monday. I am so glad to have your child in my class!

Click the link below to view the video to our new “Second Grade” song!

“What I Am”

Wow – where did the time go???

So, life in second grade has been flying by! Can you believe that we are almost into March? We have been learning, growing, and having fun. A few things to note:

-Tomorrow we have lunch at 12:00. If you are planning to eat with your child, please note the change.
-Parent conference forms were sent home today. Please look over them and send back letting me know if the time schedule will work. The conferences are next Tuesday, March 5th.
-Report cards come home tomorrow.

I am excited to meet with you soon and am looking forward to finishing up this year with great success!

Wednesday, November 28th

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! It is always a wonderful thing to be able to spend time with family and friends giving thanks for the things we have.

We have three weeks after this week before the Christmas break. Be looking for letters coming home about your part in helping with the Christmas party. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting time during the Christmas season!

This week we are talking about space. We are having to write a story about space and we are having some fun experiments!!!!!!  (Anna)