Friday, January 17th

We  learned about pronouns and nouns and math and science. I had s0 much fun in the champs assembly. – Ava


Thank you for supporting us this morning at the CHAMPs assembly! I am so proud of all the my students for their hard work this week to make it happen. They did a fabulous job!

If any of you, by chance, recorded it and would be willing to share with me, I would greatly appreciate it! I had every intention to record it, but this morning I let it slip my mind!!

Reminder: No school Monday for the MLK holiday! I’ll see everyone Tuesday morning!

Tuesday, January 7th

I really enjoy science. It is fun! – Brian

I hope each one of you had a wonderful Christmas/New Year’s break! We have had a very productive two days back practicing our CHAMPS expectations and starting right where we left off.

Our new spelling words for this week are: right, look, think, also, around, are, as, one, were, there, these, their, down, through

Please make sure your child is reading every night. I am sending home books nightly for them to read, either out of my collection or out of our classroom library.

Thursday, December 12th

We learned what bossy r is and it is when a vowel is before an r.Like ar,ir,er,or,ur.We also learned about quotation marks.And today we are doing Secret Santa. – Larkin

Don’t forget that we have early release tomorrow at 1:30! Good luck Roughnecks!!

There is a reminder note about next week in the folders today, and I am also sending one home tomorrow about next week. Please look for those.

Penny Christmas gifts can be brought starting Monday!

Information About Friday


Reminder that this Friday we are dismissing school at 1:30 so that everyone can attend the football game. We are so proud of our Roughnecks and want to cheer them on!

There will be a charter bus taking fans to the game in Allen. If you are interested, you may sign up in the High School office. The price is $10 a person to ride the bus. That does not include the ticket price.


Red Ribbon Week – Tuesday

Today the students enjoyed dressing up as their favorite hero! We have so many different people around us who influence us and are our heros.

Parent, reminder that tomorrow is EARLY RELEASE at 11:30. 2nd grade will eat lunch at 10:20. If you don’t mind, please choose a different day to eat with your child. We all appreciate your help and understanding with this matter!