Our class is proud to show you our recycling projects!! We hope you enjoy!
Author Archives: Mrs. VanBrocklin
Tuesday, April 8th
In the past few days I have sent home some different notes. Below I will explain each one and remind you about them if you have not sent them back to school with your child.
Last week I sent a yellow permission form/volunteer form about our trip to the zoo. I will be sending home more information about our zoo trip next week.
Last week I also sent home a pink permission form/information sheet about our upcoming Fun Run. Please fill those out and send back to school if you would like your child to participate in that event. If you need another one, please let me know. I have extras!
Today I sent home a white paper that asked you to help our class out as we get ready to create and make our own bugs on Friday. Please look for that paper in your child’s folder today. If you have any questions about that, please feel free to email me, call me, or write a note in your child’s planner.
Tomorrow I will be sending home the Easter party letter! Be looking for that and for ways that you can help our party!
As always, I appreciate your help and support!
Monday, March 24th
Reminder that tomorrow is EARLY RELEASE at 11:00 for Primary students only. Lunch will be early, so if possible please do not eat with your child tomorrow.
If you signed up for a conference, please look in your child’s folder for a conference form with your time on it. If this time does not work for you, please return the form tomorrow, and I will do my best to reschedule with a time that is convenient for you.
Thank you!
Thursday, March 20th
I hope your child came home yesterday full of great information about the landfill and the recycling plant!
All students came home today with a conference form. Please read over it and send it back tomorrow checked with your choice about conference: classroom conference, phone conference, or no conference.
Wednesday, March 19th
Today we learned about recycling and how it helps the environment. I even recycle at home. It is so fun! You should even try it. Today we went to the recycle center and learned a lot about it, and we went to the dump. We all had a lot of fun and had some great questions. – Charity
Parents, please ask your child about their experience at the city landfill and city recycling plant today. It was a great trip that, I think, really inspired our students to help make this world a better, cleaner place! Thank you for allowing them to go. I know they greatly benefited from it!
My parent conference notes will be coming home tomorrow. Please be looking for those.
Thursday, March 6th
Today we learned about quarter till and quarter past and what a minute, second, and hour. – Savana
Reminder, chocolate forms and money are due TOMORROW!
We have math homework tonight over time and spelling test is tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 4th
Today we learned about clocks and what time a clock says. We also reviewed nouns and remembered that a noun is a person, place, or thing. – Savana
I hope you’re selling a lot of chocolate!! Forms are due Friday!
Friday, February 28th
This week we’ve been learning about contractions. Here is one of them, will+not=won’t. It doesn’t follow the rule, but it’s not willn’t. We’ve also been learning where to put the apostrophe. And we are working on our Flat Stanley project, and there ready to send off. We started our own fairy tales, and there amazing!! – Kylie
I hope you have had a great week! Our chocolate fund raiser has officially started. You should have found the order form in your child’s folder. Those will be due one week from today – March 6th.
Reminder, Spring Break is March 10-14.
Important Information
Just another reminder that school will be delayed two hours tomorrow. Our school day will begin at 10:00 a.m.
If you have not sent back the order form and money for our class research book, please do so tomorrow. I will be sending all of the information out on Friday. I am really looking forward to getting the book, and I know the kids are, too!
Our Valentine’s Day party is Friday from 12:00-1:00. We hope you can join our celebration!
Monday, February 17th, is a school holiday in observance of President’s Day.
Monday, February 3rd
Today we learned about fairy tales, and we read the book Cinderella. – Aniyah
Parents, please take time to look in your child’s folder today for two important notes. One is about the remainder of this week. The other is an order form for a research book that our class wrote. Attached to the order form you will see a preview of what you child’s page will look like. They all turned out great! If you would like to order one, please fill out the paper and send it along with the money back to school. I need those by next Wednesday, February 12th.
We do not have new spelling words this week. We are reviewing our previous words.