2nd Grade Curriculum
Our curriculum for 2nd grade at White Oak PrimarySchool
is based upon the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
(TEKS). Copies of the TEKS for 2nd grade can be viewed
at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/teks/index.html . Curricular
areas for 2nd grade are English Language Arts, reading and
writing, mathematics, science,social studies, health and
physical education, music and fine arts, and technology

Reading is important is everything that we do. Therefore, our
goal is to provide your child with the skills that will help foster a
lifelong love of reading. The number one way to improve your
reading is to READ!
Since reading each day is a vital part of your child’s progress, we
will be sending home a book with your child. Please help your
child read EVERYDAY! Not every child is at the same level of
development so the goal is to begin the reading process
wherever your child’s development dictates and move forward.
In 2nd grade we use a balanced literacy approach to teach
reading and writing. Your child will be taught at their
instructional reading level in small groups with phonics skills and
read with individually, and given many opportunities to read
in a variety of settings and with a variety of materials.
Just as children learn to read by reading, they will also learn to
write by writing, so students will be given authentic reasons
to write about what they know and experience. Writing is taught
as a process and our students are at varying levels of
development in the writing ability, and it is our task to assist each
child to improve in order to increase his ability to communicate.
Our philosophy of writing is based on the New Jersey Writing
Project. You can find more information about NJWP at
http://www.abydoslearning.org .

Mathematics is taught through a hands-on problem solving
approach that teaches mathematical concepts through whole
group, small group, and individual instruction. The best
feature is the balance it brings to math instruction
of problem solving and computation as it increases
the students understanding of the processes and
continues to spiral back to review previous learning. Instruction
time includes guided practice, independent practice, and
diagnostic assessments.

Many science and social studies concepts are integrated into
our reading, writing, and mathematics curriculum, but specific
TEKS are taught and reinforced in units of study. Students
enjoy a science lab to give hands-on meaning to the
scientific process.

The goals of WhiteOakPrimary School are to increase
the student achievement of each student to the maximum
extent possible, to develop a lifelong love of learning,
and guide each child in becoming a responsible citizen.
We appreciate all that you do in the community to help
us succeed.