We had a FANTASTIC first day of school! I am so proud of each of my students, and I loved getting to know them today. I can’t wait to see their smiling faces in the morning!
Parents, you have some homework! Some time before Friday, please open your child’s planner to the 2nd page. Please fill out the “phone” and “address” part of that page. Also, you can see all of the information that your child filled out today.
Please note that our lunch time has changed from previous years! We eat lunch from 11:05-11:35. This first week we are asking that you do not eat lunch with your child so that we can teach cafeteria routines and procedures. We appreciate your understanding with this.
A blue note came home today explain about the planner and folder. Please read over that. Also, please check your child’s planner and initial it. I will check it every morning.
I hope you all get some good rest tonight. I will see you in the morning! You Matter!