Tuesday, February 3rd

Today we practiced our part on the stage. We learned about George Washington, and we have math homework. We all are waiting for Valentine’s Day, and we have a new student in our class! She is nice and fun and playful. -Kyah


Today I am sending home a revised copy of the Valentine letter. We did get a new student today, and I wanted to make sure to add her name to our list.

Also, we do have homework tonight. It is subtraction with regrouping. We have worked all last week and this week on the process of subtraction with regrouping. We first ask ourselves “Is there more on top or more on the floor?” If there’s more on the top, there’s no need to stop! If there’s  more on the floor, then we go next door and regroup 10 more! If your child has difficulty on these problems, please attempt them, and I will go over it with them tomorrow. Also, if they need to draw out the tens and ones to help them solve it, they may do so on the back!

I could definitely tell my kiddos that practiced their CHAMPs assembly part last night! Please make sure to do that again tonight. We practiced on the stage this morning, and it is all coming together! Thanks!

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