Reflections and Resolutions


With my MacBook back in hand and a new year in the midst, I, as well as the class, have decided to become better bloggers in the year 2012! We will work hard to update you on our daily activities as well as give you important information as needed. I hope you enjoyed the Christmas break with your children. I know I enjoyed being with my sweet girl.

2011 was a great year for Mrs. VanBrocklin’s class. We have journeyed together, learned together, and have worked hard together. I know that 2012 won’t be any different.

As this year starts we are learning the parts of a letter and will begin writing letters to each other very soon. The five parts of a letter are: heading, greeting, body, closing, and the signature. We are also beginning double digit subtraction. We made some neat sunglasses yesterday displaying “shining” synonyms! We talk a lot about how synonyms are words that mean the same thing.

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