Parents, first I apologize that I have no updated our blog recently. I have had a sick child at home! Thankfully, she has bounced back quickly.
Today was a fun day! First we discussed our Constitution because today is Constitution Day. We learned that the Constitution was written in 1787 by “Framers.” A few of these framers are George Washington and Ben Franklin. We know that the Constitution was written to keep us safe and give us rights. The Constitution created our three parts of government: the President, the Congress, and the Courts. The Bill of Rights were the first amdenments to the Constitution.
We also took a noun hunt today around the school and playground. Then we discussed our findings. We also went outside this afternoon and talked about the weather and clouds. My kiddos found some very interesting “shapes” in the clouds.
I hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend. Go Roughnecks and Ladynecks!!