Monday, October 4th

Today we took a spelling test. Look for those to come home tomorrow as well as our new words. We saw a small experiment with vinegar and baking soda. We talked about how words mixed with thinking helps bring thoughts to the surface!

We started guided reading groups today. We read with Mrs. VanBrocklin while we are at literacy centers. In writing we read the book The Three Wishes. This week we are going to write our own stories about what three wishes we want granted.

Tomorrow is P.E. – wear the right shoes!

2 thoughts on “Monday, October 4th

  1. Kelsi loves experiments!! She especially loves to recreate them at home! I’m sure I have some baking soda and vinegar around here. I just love when she comes home and wants to show me what she has learned!

  2. Oh I like that “words mixed with thinking”! That is a very good picture of a thought. I bet your class has a lot of good thoughts.

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