Tuesday, September 14th

Yesterday was a very busy day! We did not get to blog so we are filling you in on what we did Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday was an outstanding Monday! We visited the library for the first time and checked out some great books. Thank you, Mrs. Elder, for letting us come see you!

We continued working on our subtraction. Make sure you are practicing your doubles every night. We used our doubles to help us subtract today. Hopefully tomorrow we will get to go to math centers.

We talked about what real readers vs. fake readers were. I think we all know what it looks like to read to ourself. We have been practicing that every day and have done a great job.

We also got our new spelling words today. They are: into, has, more, her, two, other, many, there, they, and to. We wrote them in our planner today so that we can practice when we get home.

Today we continued working on our subtraction, started writing a story about a time we had fun, and began our Weather journal for this week.

Math homework begins TODAY! Please see the note attached to the homework for details. Thank you for all of your comments! We have enjoyed reading them. P.E. tomorrow – wear the right shoes!!

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