I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day holiday! I know I was glad to spend the day with Alea!
Today with took a math test over addition. On Thursday we will start our chapter over subtraction.
We continued with our Black Lagoon series reading The Music Teacher from the Black Lagoon. We also continued working on our stamina for ‘read to self’ and ‘read to someone.’
We went to PE today and we will go again tomorrow. Please wear the correct shoes!
Thank goodness the teacher from the Black Lagoon is not like Mrs. Kimbley. That would be awful.
I love the look of your blog!
Love the theme you guys chose. It makes it look really fun and inviting! Enjoy PE.
I love Music Teacher From The Black Lagoon!!!
Thought I should subscribe especially since there is a calling for all Board Members.
Hope Macy is doing well and your blog is really nice.