Progress reports came home today in your child’s folder. Please look over those. They do not need to be returned. However, if you have any questions, you can always email or call me.
We will take our spelling test in the morning after our weekly CHAMPs assembly. And, just so you will know, our class CHAMPs assembly isn’t until May. I will let you know the exact date closer to time.
We are working hard on subtraction with regrouping. We practice daily. Next week we will work on mixed addition and subtraction with regrouping.
As we wrote in our planner today, almost all fairy tales are complete. They are great stories! The Wee Deliver Postal Service started Monday. During writing time and at our writing station, the students have an opportunity to write letters to any student in Kindergarten, First, and Second grade. They are enjoying writing to friends and receiving letters back in the mail!
A reminder that we will be out of school the next two Mondays. Monday, the 8th, is a teacher training day. Monday, the 15th, is a holiday in observance of President’s Day.
Finally, a letter came home today with information about our Valentine’s party. It is next Friday, February 12th, from 12:00-1:00. We can’t wait to celebrate! We hope you can join us for our fun!
I hope you have a fantastic day!