General Information
School Lunch costs $2.15
Adult Lunch costs $3.50
If your child gets any extras (extra milk, an extra side, etc.) there is an additional charge. If you do not want you child to have extras of anything OR if you only want your child to have extra milk, you can contact the cafeteria at (903)291-2146 to have this noted on your child’s account.
Lunch money can be sent by check or cash at any time. Make sure that you label it or put it in an envelope with your student’s first and last name on it so that it can be deposited in the correct account. You can also deposit money in your student’s account online using a credit card.
If a student does not have money in their account, he or she will not be able to borrow from the office. They will be served a cheese sandwich, fruit, and milk.
Lunch/Breakfast menus are sent home monthly, but they are also available to view on the White Oak ISD webpage
Attendance is taken at 9:30 a.m. and a student will be marked absent if they are not here at that time. Notifying the school when your child is absent is not mandatory, but I do like knowing when my students are out and why. You can leave a voicemail for me at (903)291-2152.
School begins at 8:00 a.m. If a student is not in the classroom at this time, they are marked tardy. We unpack from 7:45 – 8:00 and our lessons begin promptly at 8:00. When students walk in after 8:00, it disrupts the other students in the room.
This year we began our R2W attendance celebrations. R2W stands for Ready to Work. The students will need to be at school each day and on time to be a part of the celebrations. We understand that students get sick and situations beyond your control will occur; therefore, we have these celebrations every 9 weeks. This gives each child multiple opportunities to be a part of a celebration. Celebrations include extra recess, a snack, and various other exciting activities to celebrate that your child was here each day and Ready to Work.
Students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. For the safety of the children, I must allow them to go home every day in the usual way that we discuss at the beginning of the year. In the case of an emergency where you need them to go home differently than usual, please send a note or for last minute changes call and leave a voicemail. My classroom phone number is (903)291-2152. The children are not allowed to go home with a friend if it means riding a bus other than the bus that they are registered to. If your child is a car rider, we ask that you remain in your car with your youngest child’s name displayed in the front window, until your child(ren) is brought to you. If you need to pick your child up early, please write a note in your child’s planner and we will try to pack up before your arrival. You must first stop in the Primary office to check your student out before heading to our classroom.
Please check your child’s folder and planner each day for graded papers, notes from the school or teacher, and announcements. Your child’s graded papers will come home in their take-home folder. The planner and folder are a great way to help keep your child organized. The planner also includes our handbook which states the dress code, our rules, the school calendar, and different procedures that should followed while at school. Please refer to the front of your child’s planner for this information. Any work that comes home with a grade on it was recorded in the grade book. Any work that has a check, stamp, or minus how many were missed was seen by me, but was not taken as a grade but was used for evaluation purposes. Any work that has nothing on it was completed together as a class. If would be very beneficial to your child to go through these papers with them and correct their mistakes. Please check their work daily so that you can congratulate them on their successes and help them with anything that may have been a problem. Your child’s reading log will come home in this folder as well, but should be returned to school each day. You should also check their planner for their behavior for the day. If they had a good day, this is indicated with a stamp, sticker, or smiley face. If you child had any behavior problems, I will write a note indicating what the problem was.
We have four reporting periods during the year. Report cards will usually be sent home on the Thursday following the end of each grading period. You can check the school calendar for the grading periods.
All medications must be administered by the school nurse. Please send her a written note so that she may administer it to your child. If your child has a health problem, please talk to the nurse directly so that she can meet the needs of your child.
Parent/teacher conferences are held in the Fall semester in October and again in the Spring semester in February. The district wide calendar usually denotes these days. The students are released early on these days so you may need to plan childcare in advance. Watch for notes to come home in the days preceding these dates that will detail what time your child will be released from school that day. If you ever feel that a parent conference is necessary other than these two days, please contact me.
There will be three class parties per year. We will have a Christmas party, Valentine’s Day party, and an Easter party. The dates for the parties are listed on the district’s school calendar. Please let me know if you are interested in helping with any of these parties.
Birthday are important and we acknowledge them in the classroom; however, we may not have birthday treats at school. Also, students may not pass out birthday invitations at school. If you like to mail out a list, I can provide you with a list of addresses and phone numbers for the students in our classroom. Please note that these rules are listed in our student handbook that is located in your child’s planner.