We are going to have fun today because we git to the bouncy house. – Jaxon
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break with your family! Christmas is in the air around school already! We only have three weeks before Christmas break. Wow, time flies when you’re having fun!
A note was sent home yesterday from Mrs. Koonce about the book fair coming up next week. It also had some other important information about December. Please take time to read that note. Our Christmas party is Friday, December 18th, from 9:00-10:00. That day and the previous day, Thursday, December 17th, are early release days at 11:00.
Thank you for continuing to read each night with your student. We still have a lot of learning to do in the next few weeks! Remember, math homework is due on Friday. Also, reading every night with a signed reading log and a signed fluency page will give your child two tickets a day!
If you have any questions about our upcoming events, please don’t hesitate to call, email, or write me a note in your child’s planner!